Shadows hovering over us
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation… unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Many today talk about the need to get rid of toxic masculinity, but it seems what they are really trying to get rid of is masculinity itself
Three problematic reactions to the shadows
- Overcompensate - toxic masculinity
- Shutdown - bottle it up
- Medicate - distract
Shadow Men
For who knows what is good for a man during his lifetime, during the few years of his futile life? He will spend them like a shadow Ecclesiastes 6:12 (NASB)
There is a trend of tragedy among men, to decline and waste our potential.
Under the constant pressure, we find ourselves becoming what we don’t want to be.
Why do we leave the light?
- Running to the shadows - Culture systemically pressures us to run into the shadows.
- Hiding in the shadows - Shame of what we’ve down, our past, and who we think we really are keeps us in the shadows.
We are terrified of being seen for who we truly are.
- Sinning in the shadows - We are seduced by private sin to stay in the shadows
We are enticed by forbidden things, things we can now access without being found out.
- Secrets in the shadows - Ties back to shame, secrets that keep us in bondage, things we don’t want to bring to the light.
You were born for the light
We are called to stay into the light, but it’s a long fight to stay in the light.
Step into the light
Where a man’s wound is, that is where his genius will be. Robert Bly, Iron John
God will redeem your shadows when you step into the light.
- There is are systemic and cultural problems, old and new, that are degrading God’s desire for men.
- Men are stuck in the shadows, due to culture, shame, sin, and secrets.
- It is an urgent command to stay in the light, but it’s a long fight to do so. We must know our shadows, fight against those shadows, and remain steadfast.